Alejandro Betancourt

"In constant pursuit of excellence in business management"

I’d like to use this space to give my point of view on the progresses of my areas of interest which I will explain bellow. I will regularly add new articles on those topics of interest. I also would like to use this website as a showcase for our upcoming projects, which will allow us to remain competitive in a globalized world. Finally, I will like to use this channel as a way to communicate and be transparent in terms of what we are currently doing and what we want to do in the future.

Many thanks for visiting and remember to check back regularly for news and updates.

The Internet and new technologies give us opportunities to share information about projects and developments in a wide range of industries.

I am involved in the Latin American oil industry. I acquired a major share of Pacific Exploration & Production, the largest oil company of Latin America. I was named director of the board until last August. My purpose was to promote its expansion into new markets improving the extraction capabilities in countries like Peru, Mexico and Venezuela.

I founded O’Hara Administration, an asset management company engaged in a variety of specialized investment strategies. O’Hara Administration is a major shareholder of Hawkers, a leader company in fashion trends and technology.

Additionally I am actively involved in the development of banking services in Africa through a significant shareholding of the BDK group, Holding company of Bank of Dakar.

I am aware of the responsibility that we have in the communities in which we are present. We simply cannot move forward without contributing towards their progress and development. I am especially proud of our contributions to education: we built the new wing for the Carmen Salles School at Ciudad Bolivar, we support various initiatives in collaboration with the Universidad Simón Bolívar, like the postgraduate programs on operation and maintnance of power plants, the Forula SAE project and the building and furnishing of the conference rooms and the high voltage laboratory. We have also built sport facilities and has taken part on projects to protect our enviroment, like in the World Beach Rescue Day.

Areas of interest

Alejandro Betancourt

I share experiences and data on e-commerce to help with ideas to the entrepreneur who sees the Internet and its social networks, the right platform to start their business.

Energy, Areas of interest Alejandro Betancourt

Analysis and reflections on everything related to the world of energy, from the oil sector to the application of the latest technologies in renewable energies.

Financial development. Areas of Interest Alejandro Betancourt
Financial development

The implementation of banking services in Africa is a key factor in the development of a continent that, despite its great challenges, has an immense potential.

entrepreneurship - Areas of interest Alejandro Betancourt

Analysis of success stories and advice on leadership and management for those entrepreneurs who decide to embark on their own path to business success.

The challenge of investing in Africa

Sub-Saharan West Africa is a region of the continent with a promising horizon if there is a boost in investments, particularly in certain key areas that are strategic for its development, and which range from the provision of infrastructure to the deployment of financial services that can encourage local entrepreneurship on...

Growth Hacking

Growth Hacking techniques you should know

As an entrepreneur you will dream of creating a company and growing fast, but the truth is that the reality is very different. On your way you will encounter many difficulties such as lack of knowledge of the market, fixed costs, problems finding partners, lack...

mobile banking

Importance of Mobile Banking in Africa’s Financial Development

Financial inclusion implies that both people and companies can meet their needs through useful and affordable financial products. It is a priority that is becoming more important every day among authorities, regulatory and global development organizations. In fact, it has influenced 7 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals proposed...


Production of tidal energy as a renewable alternative

The positive impact of clean energy is undoubted and continues to grow stronger every day. When we talk about renewable energy we usually think mainly about alternatives such as wind or solar. But, the energy of waves, ocean currents and tides has also come into play. Tidal...

Fuck leukemia

Hawkers joins the fight against childhood leukemia with charity galsses

Sunglasses, youth, fashion, solidarity, social networks, e-Commerce, scientific advancement, globality. This is how Hawkers combines a series of values and elements associated with the brand to fulfill its mission of defender and promoter of social causes while advancing its strategy of expansion and consolidation of their business model....

Africa lessons on harnessing energy

Africa gives us lessons on harnessing energy

Africa is home to the world’s largest intact ecosystems, nearly a quarter of the world’s biodiversity including iconic animal species. At the same time, it’s also home to incredible human diversity, with a population of 1.2 billion people speaking nearly 2,000 different languages, booming cities,...

Digital marketing strategies

Creating value through digital marketing strategies

I can affirm without doubt that executing the right digital marketing strategies is one of the most effective ways for adding value to any company, brand, product or service for consumers. If we understand value in this case to be the qualities that are attributed to the object by an individual...

Forbes Magazine

Hawkers, the revolution of innovation

The latest edition of Forbes Spain magazine published on its cover the 4 geniuses behind the Hawkers sunglasses brand, a company in which I am an executive and of which I am very proud. Hawkers generated a business model based on the strategy of creating...